Steve Weil is one of the two founding principals of Berding & Weil, LLP and is currently Of Counsel to the firm. He has practiced community association law since 1984 and has advised clients on virtually all types of challenges arising out of the operation of California community associations. His areas of practice include compliance with association, board and membership duties under an association's "Governing Documents" as well as the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act and other state and federal laws; analyzing fiduciary duty, free speech, discrimination, parking and insurance issues; assisting communities address construction needs, and handling enforcement and architectural disputes at meetings and in mediation. Steve is particularly effective in helping communities face political challenges and raising funds to make repairs.
Steve is among the most well-known lecturers on community association law and practice in California and the country. He has given many state wide and national presentations before attorneys, accountants, owners, directors and managers for the Community Association Institute, the Educational Community for Homeowners, the California Association of Community Managers and the College of Community Association Lawyers. Steve was elected by peers throughout the United States to serve a three year term on the "CCAL" Board and was elected its President for the 2017 term. With a colleague from Colorado, Steve was the recipient CCAL's Best Manuscript Award (on Voting Trends) in the inaugural year this award was presented
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