Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Favorite Desert: Hot Fudge Sundae
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
First Job:
Digging irrigation ditches for my dad.
Any Other Interesting/Fun Fact:
I'm a college basketball junkie.
Helping to put our clients in the best possible situation by prosecuting their construction defect claims in an aggressive, effective and efficient manner. Most homeowners don't contemplate having to be part of a construction defect claim, but without our services, they would likely otherwise have to pay for repairs that should not have been necessary in the first place.
I have a background in construction and pride myself on my ability to focus on the important issues that will make the most significant impact for the client. I am a problem solver and try not to be distracted by contentiousness relative to non-primary issues.
I grew up working with tradespeople and have always been interested in real estate. When I was in construction, quality of work and client satisfaction were of the utmost importance. It's frustrating for us to see our clients purchase a home, only to subsequently discover that it was not properly built. As my job exists at the intersection of construction, real estate and the law, I get to leverage my experience and interests to help achieve a just result and to try to put our clients in the position they should have been all along.
Being part of our clients' journey from aggrieved homeowner to post-repair homeowner. Often, after repairs have been implemented and our clients are in position to focus on issues other than construction defects, we are asked to provide subsequent and non-defect related legal services. I love that our clients trust us and think highly enough of us that they want to maintain the relationship after their defect claim has been resolved.
My coworkers. I feel very fortunate to be part of a firm with such a great reputation, which is directly attributable to the excellent legal service Berding | Weil has provided for more than 30 years. When brainstorming, I can walk down the hall and seek an opinion from very smart and seasoned practitioners. I also just enjoy working with really good people that constantly strive to take care of our clients.
Chasing around my young children, playing sports with them and doing things outside in this beautiful area where we are blessed to live.
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