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Gregory E. Meisenhelder — Partner

A Little Q&A

Some Fun Facts:

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Favorite Drink: Beer - IPA

Dream Car: One without kids in it.

Hobbies: Cooking and eating.

Most interesting place you have been:

Any other interesting/fun fact:
I lived in Africa for three years.


As a Construction Defect Litigator, what is your biggest focus?


The client’s expectations and goals. I am selective in who I agree to represent and I monitor my case volume to ensure that I am able to deliver outstanding, personalized representation to each and every one of my clients. While my primary focus is to solve the clients’ immediate problems, litigate if necessary, and win, I also take the time to holistically understand the clients’ individual and business needs. I firmly believe providing the highest quality legal representation requires not only exceptional knowledge of the law and litigation skills, but also a deep understanding of a clients’ overall objectives and desired outcomes.


What strengths does your experience add to the firm?


An experienced and diverse litigation practice. Like many lawyers at the firm, my primary areas of practice are in construction and real estate related litigation matters. However, these general categories encompass a wide range of types of cases. For example, I have litigated cases involving construction defects, construction product/material defects, architectural/engineering errors and omissions, misrepresentation/improper billing practices, construction/completion delays, insurance coverage matters, property damage claims, and real estate and construction contract disputes, among many other things.


What drew you to this line of work?


As an undergraduate, I took a number of different courses in legal studies, including courses in Constitutional Law, and found them to be very interesting. That, along with my tendency to negotiate and debate issues of interest to me, likely led me down the path to becoming a litigator.


What brings you the most satisfaction on the job?


Winning! Whether that’s obtaining a settlement for a client that exceeds expectations or winning at trial, the ultimate goal in any litigation is to win.


What do you enjoy most about working at Berding | Weil?


Unlike most attorneys, we regularly try cases; and our opposition knows it. Though most cases resolve prior to a jury verdict, we know, based on our decades of combined experience, that treating every case as if it will go to trial is the best way to maximize recovery for our clients. This allows us to strategize and prepare cases to maximize settlement value and win at trial in the most efficient manner possible. Our adversaries know that if a case does not settle, we’ll take it to trial, where we have a very successful track record.


What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?


I enjoy spending time with my family outdoors, traveling, camping, snorkeling and scuba diving, playing basketball, rooting for the Warriors, and teaching my kids to do the same.

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