Zodiac Sign: Leo
Favorite Dessert: Spam Musubi
Favorite Hobbies: Guitar and Reading
Most Interest Place You Have Been:
Deadhorse, Alaska
Any other interesting/fun fact:
In high school I once cut eight pounds in 12 hours.
Maximizing a client's recovery in a reasonable amount of time through solid work product.
My background in construction allows me to speak the same language as our experts, understand construction terminology, navigate construction documents, implement construction technology and software, conceptualize building defects, and describe technical construction information to clients and judges in a way that is easy to understand.
I was shocked, as a Senior Project Engineer for a commercial general contractor, when I learned about indemnity clauses in construction contracts. I was already into civil engineering and construction, and the indemnity discovery piqued my interest in construction law.
Helping California and Hawaii communities repair their buildings so community members can live in safer homes.
Colleagues and mentorship.
Hanging out with my wife, exercising, reading, cruising with my puppies, praying the Rosary.
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