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Construction Law

The BERDING|WEIL construction law group counsels boards of directors, investors, property managers, and building owners on building reconstruction and repair contracts, choosing contractors, and obtaining construction loans and represents them in any litigation that arises from construction disputes and the defective design or construction of their projects.

We prepare contracts for our clients to use when hiring contractors, construction managers, and design professionals, and we also oversee the preparation of bid packages.

With decades of experience in representing clients who own failed construction projects, we help you select the right professionals for the job and resolve construction disputes between contractors, sub-contractors, and construction managers. We audit payment requests where necessary and assist in resolving payment disputes. We defend our clients against construction claims, liens, and stop notices.

Our highly experienced construction law attorneys bring claims against contractors and design professionals when necessary and litigate or arbitrate them to successful conclusion.

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As one of the largest and most experienced construction defect litigation departments in the nation, we have recovered over 2.1 billion for our clients.

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