Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Favorite Animal: My French Bulldog Milo
Favorite Drink: Red wine and Champagne
Favorite Musician: My son (Brant Jackson)
Most Interesing Place You Have Been:
A month in Thailand with my kids.
Any Other Interesting/Fun Fact:
I studied philosophy and still read philosophy books quite often.
For me, I believe that client needs come first. Having strong relationships with clients and providing them with a trusted resource that they can turn to when they need it is my highest priority.
I spent many years working with people to help find solutions. Being able to contribute problem solving and consistency is something that I believe is an added asset to any organization.
I had been doing client relations and business development for many years. I knew a couple of people at the firm and got to know a bit about the internal culture and knew that it would be a good home for me.
Being able to help people. I know there are a lot of times when people need fast answers and they are not sure where to turn I love being able to help others succeed in their role!
The people! There are so many great people in the HOA industry. I also am so proud to be part of a team that is ethical and fights hard for their clients.
I love spending time with my family, friends, and french bulldog and cooking meals and enjoying good wine together.
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