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Maui Fire Litigation

Berding|Weil's Maui office team, led by William McKeon, assisted by other attorneys from California and Maui, is preparing litigation against Hawaii Electric for the horrendous damage suffered by our many existing Lahaina clients and the residents of Lahaina. This action is being taken at the request of our Community Associations, individual owners and commercial property owners, single-family homeowners, and others who suffered damage and injuries as a result of the horrific Lahaina Fire.

Berding|Weil has decades of experience litigating complex claims in Hawaii and California and will be partnering with other Maui and California law firms experienced in wildfire loss and representing injured persons to prosecute our client's claims.

If you would like more information, please fill out and submit the contact form provided below, and we will contact you within 24 hours.


“Compassion” = to recognize the suffering of others and then take action to help.

Maui Fires

  • Emergency Questions and Answers

    From everyone at Berding|Weil, we extend our deepest sympathy for owners, residents and employees affected by the fires.

    We hope this information helps owners in condominium and community associations with questions pertaining to the Maui fires.

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