The legislature believes that more laws are needed to assure that community managers those who control the assets of common interest developments (CIDs) do not take advantage of their clients by entering into secret agreements with vendors. While in our experience instances of such manager misconduct are rare, the legislature has a theoretical concern which these new laws attempt to address.
To this end, effective January 1, 2018 two existing managing agent disclosure statutes have been amended and two new statutes have been added to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (Act).
These statutory provisions create new mandatory disclosure requirements for community managers and their companies when submitting bids for services, before entering into a management agreement and at the time of contract renewal. These new laws reflect the intent of the legislature to promote ethical management of community associations across the state. California legislature believes that increased transparency is in the best interests of every community association, their members and professional managers and their companies.
Recognizing Attorney Katrina Solomatina
Katrina Solomatina, Esq.
Some fun facts about Katrina:
Katrina's hometown is the birthplace of Leo Tolstoy in Russia. She left home at the age of 16 to attend school in Germany. While in law school in the U.S., she started and ran a non-profit, won several Witkin awards for being best in her class, and completed an internship with the SFDA in the violent crimes unit.
Some of Katrina's interests include animal rights, gourmet food, and international travel. While on a recent trip to Turks and Caicos, she and her husband sailed for several days around the islands with their 5 year old son. The sailboat held about 20 people and allowed them to explore and snorkel remote areas that are typically inaccessible.