In our forty years of litigating complex construction defect cases against builders and others involved in constructing buildings of all types, our attorneys have encountered nearly every construction problem that exists. Besides maintaining long-term relationships with most of the prominent construction experts in our field, BERDING|WEIL attorneys have brought hundreds of cases to successful conclusion through mediation, arbitration, or trial. Not all cases settle with the help of a mediator, however, and our firm is one of the few that have tried multiple construction defect cases to judgment or verdict. In total, we have recovered nearly $1.7 Billion for our construction defect clients.
Our experienced community association and condominium law attorneys understand the needs of homeowners living in planned communities and condos and do everything from amending their governing documents to assisting with elections, drafting contracts, advising on neighbor disputes, preparing proper disclosures for prospective buyers, and litigating construction defects. Our clients include associations of owners of residential and commercial condominiums, planned developments, and condominium conversions throughout California, and large residential retirement or single-family home communities.
We communicate with our clients so they understand the unique area of law presented by California's New Davis-Stirling Act, the Corporations Code, and all of the case law that has developed during the forty years we have been representing homeowners associations and common interest developments. We also understand that boards of directors and managers are concerned with obtaining legal services at a cost that will fit the associations' budget, and we provide an efficient, cost-effective response to every problem.
Our construction law department has developed construction contracts that insure our clients accept no more risk in a construction project than is necessary. We also coordinate with experts to develop scopes of work for rehabilitation of older buildings and resolve disputes that arise from any construction project. Our lawyers also have years of experience successfully prosecuting contract disputes.
As one of the largest and most experienced construction defect litigation departments in the nation, we have recovered over 2.1 billion for our clients.
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