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Berding|Weil`s No Cost Balcony Inspection Compliance Program

Published: July 16, 2021

The Surfside Condo tragedy teaches this: directors should take prudent steps to investigate common areas and make timely repairs to minimize injury, loss of life, property damage and liability claims.

This obligation is made the law by SB 326 (Civil Code 5551) which requires condominium associations to inspect and report on balconies, load bearing components and waterproofing systems (“balconies”) by January 1, 2025, and to repair conditions requiring repair. Few associations are funded for the inspections or their repairs. We are ready to help and for those condominiums under 10 years old who may have recourse against the Developer we will:

  • Engage qualified experts to identify those components required by CC 5551 to be inspected and any other common area defects.
  • Perform a legal review and report to the Board to discuss its options.
  • If retained, Initiate settlement discussions and pursue claims with the Developer.
  • Draft and Negotiate post-recovery repair contracts and disclosures.
  • As part of post-recovery repairs, have an architect or engineer conduct a CC 5551-compliant investigation.
  • Costs and fees advanced by Berding & Weil or paid by the Developer.

While neither the law nor the SB 326 process is simple, we know exactly what to do. Having spent 30+ years investigating buildings, recovering over 1.9B for defects, creating disclosures, negotiating post recovery repair contracts, we can help directors and managers handle any challenge.

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